Living village - natural inspiration, holistic design

Our organization looks to nature to find dynamic, impactful solutions to the complex challenges of the modern world. We believe that the natural environment provides a vast and versatile toolkit of resources that if adapted and emulated, can be used to design resilient, sustainable, and regenerative systems that can help us bring our way of living back into alignment with the world that keeps us alive.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create practical, sustainable, scalable, and accessible methods of meeting essential human needs. Our current focus centers around affordable housing, local organic food production systems, and the creation of sustainable business environments.

Our Values

Our values include a commitment to practices that sustain and support life, We value collaboration, both with other organizations and individuals, as well as with nature, where we draw much of our inspiration when designing solutions. We also value creativity, courage, and consistency as a blend of attributes that leads to new possibilities.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to establish the infrastructure necessary for a new way of living to flourish. We endeavor to find big opportunities in a world full of challenges, and to create an easy and affordable pathway for people, businesses, and communities to meet their needs in harmony with the environment that sustains us.