The Living Business Model is a set of tools and approaches designed to create a supportive ecosystem around a business, non-profit, or other organization. This project is a dynamic example of the Living Village philosophy of modeling our solutions after nature. By combining a series of elements like:

permaculture site plans

green energy microgrids

sustainable architecture

We are able to create a holistically sustainable environment much like nature does - through a variety of mechanisms and organisms all working together within one ecosystem.

By structuring a business environment in this way it is possible to convert expenses into revenue streams, as overhead costs like electric bills turn into revenue from selling excess clean energy back to the grid, and property maintenance costs turn into revenue from selling organic produce in the community from established permaculture sites. The Living Village Business Model is a customizable approach that gains effectiveness by being adapted to the specific geographic, economical, social, and political realities of the location being developed, just as ecosystems and the organisms within them evolve from the conditions of the surrounding environment. By making our organizations into organisms, we can leverage the power of nature to support any kind of project as well as the people who make it possible.